Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Wee Paperbite doesn't just enjoy books, or devour them, she eats them! Fromspine to flaps, no fiber is safe. Although the Velvet Historian has banned her from his library, the green pearls spangling her limbs give her away--she has fasioned a secret doorway into Song's workshop, where he keeps an impressive collection of jewelry trad magazines, and snacks as she pleases.

However, she has recently discovered that these tasty pages contain WORDS, so she has modified her diet to focus on watercress and Citron-Cecile's pastry.

Sanity Creek Sock Monkeys
Unnumbered Private Collection


Jonah exudes calm like the slow trickly spring melt of Sanity Creek. If his cousin Ignatius is frenetic energy and high humor, Jonah is peace and ancient wisdom. Ignatius used to call him "Shanti" because of his attitude. He brings this serenity with him everywhere, and it affects everyone around him. Mama monkeys send their anxious littles to sit by him at the banks of the creek. His mellowing influence has effortlessly resolved many conflicts at school and beyond. He has simple tastes and needs. We could all learn a lot from Jonah.

Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 30


Iliana is always thinking. Sometimes she is dreaming of new methods, new ways to see the world: not straight on, not upside down or backwards, but into and through a set of reflections. Like nesting dolls. Sometimes she is the doll, and sometimes she is the nest. She has trouble explaining her peculiar lens to other monkeys, but she knows that her work is important, and that she is headed toward a deeper manner of illumination. Something new, in a world where too many people believe there is nothing new in the universe. Her plan is to prove them wrong.


Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 27

The Inside Out Collection
Number 1

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Monkey's Eve Blog photo winner!

The monkeys have spoken. After serious deliberation, the inhabitants of Sanity Creek have chosen their favorite photo(s) of all those sent in this year. Those of you in the know, know that, per the Sanity Creek calendar, as captured and maintained by Van Owen:

"Every year, on Monkey’s Eve (October 11) the current Sanity Creek Sock Monkeys will choose a favorite of these photos, and the winner will receive a very special monkey."

This year's winner is Shekina, who is taking loving care of her own original Sanity Creek Monkey ("Monkey") as well as our beloved Miss Minerva.

Here are some of the photos Shekina's family took and sent us. We couldn't resist; we had to post several.

Congratulations, Shekina!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sanity Creek Sock Monkeys at Urban Handmade shop

Urban Handmade has opened a shop in Yellow Springs, Ohio. There you will find monkeys from Sanity Creek. Please stop by and say hello!

Van Owen and Petunia Grinberg

Van Owen is now residing alongside Petunia Grinberg in Seattle. How lovely that they can be together! All of us at Sanity Creek wish the two plenty of wonderful food and conversation, and very little rain.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Grigsby is a purist. Although aeronautical technology has progressed in the last hundred years, he remains loyal to the original paper airplane. As a paper airplane pilot, Grigsby gets a lot of indulgent smiles when he straps himself into his vessel with his blue rubberband security design system (patent pending). And takes off, confident in the growing nostalgia for simpler days, when a piece of well-folded paper was enough. In this economy, I wouldn't be surprised if he's onto something.

Sanity Creek Sock Monkey
Number 32

The Simple World Collection
Number 1

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Etsy shop is open!

Our shop is open! And slowly, surely, we will be posting more monkeys all the time on our etsy shop. Stop by and see us!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Yoga Class

Inspired by Penelope and Mitzi, the Sanity Creek yoga class has been steadily growing. They even convinced the crusty, ill-tempered raindog (far left in group photo) to join them this morning...